One day I was browsing on the internet, YouTube to be precise and I saw someone talking about intimacy in marriage specifically sex positions etc. from a tree and later this same sexologist on another YouTube post was on a beach.....I don't think this sexologist can remember @⁨On World Group⁩ 🀣🀣🀣
I tried to get the real name but since I hadn't really gone specifically for the page I was just flipping through several videos at the time.
Then a few weeks later I get a hold of the video and later the sexologists email and the rest is history.
There were many things I had contemplated doing but ask me certain questions and remind me if I wanted to do things my way or God's way. This dear family was my restraint and constant reminder at most seasons when I was wondering how to manage quite a lot on my plate maritally. I also was grappling with financial constraints so I understand how it can affect romance and just make many other aspects of marriage demanding. But God still hears prayers. God still repairs marriages. God still revives intimacy in marriages that appear to have gone dormant.
Now this is and has been my story .Most people are too shy but really want help, NEED help but are constrained by finances and many more.
Your marriage may appear young or it is older, whatever that means but you cannot deny that intimacy and managing your spouse is one unique thing that will never be outdated.
Wisdom is the right application of knowledge even with prayer you need wisdom. In all your getting, get wisdom.....and this wisdom is available at SIM.
My experience may help just one person, I will be fulfilled then if that one person gets helped .πŸ™πŸΌ

- Olugbemiga

Looking back to how I stumbled on SIM, the only thing I'm filled with is gratitude to God for making me cross path with this wonderful SEX IN MARRIAGE group driven by Omolola Natural( Mrs Adefuye). I got to join this SIM group through another group of Virtuous women driven by a friend.
Let me give you a brief history.....
I was born into a family of 13.... Father, Mother and 11 children. Yes, you read right...11 children. I have a big sister, 8 big brothers and a younger sister plus myself. I had a godly and moral upbringing.
Since I was young, I have been thought that premarital sex is really bad with consequences and with my moral upbringing too, I was guided through to keep my virginity until marriage and as a special gift for my husband. Having so many brothers too helped me through this journey.
Keeping to this virtue was not an easy thing at all....
While growing, being an adventurous person, I got so interested in sexuality as well as sex and also made a vow to keep my virginity till my wedding night.
I attended singles and sexuality seminars, conferences as well as buying and reading medical and sexuality books to learn more about sex......fast forwarding......Sometime/somehow, one of my very big strict and protective brothers made me know that I might be having a high libido.......
I was able to confirm this through the books I read as well as answered questions from my medical doctor friends and family.
I got married in my mid-thirties as a virgin to my lovely and ever sexually active husband.
True to my expectations, I have a high libido. In this part of the world, we Africans hardly talk explicitly about sex in public. I only got to have a discussion about sex with my close siblings and trusted friends.
Over time, I have come to realize that people don't want to talk about sex at all or reluctantly, not even parents to their own children. I started wishing and looking for an organization that I can trust that deals with sex in-depth. As I have mentioned, I have a high libido and very adventurous. It happened that my husband is the quiet and shy type. While I am the type that express myself, my husband hardly voice out on most matters including sex. I have been wishing and praying for a kind of group that I can trust and freely express myself as well as learn more about pure sex and sexual intimacy. Well, God answered my silent prayers by crossing my path with SIM.
Since I joined SIM, I have learnt and keeps learning a lot about sex.
Here at SIM, we have different characters with different temperaments that expresses his or herself freely in matters of sex. Because of this, we're able to discuss a lot that cuts across sex and thereby learns from such.
Honestly speaking, SIM has really improved my sex life with my husband and this has added flavours to our marriage. As busy as I can be, I'm always looking forward to see what's new on SIM platform. Like I said, there are different characters on SIM and there's no dulling at all as we are all free to discuss anything sex.
What's more is that we have an amazing coach that out of her tight schedule still makes out time to hold classes on Fridays. She's so straight forward and practical and this has helped and is still helping a lot of families.
The last physical conference we had was great and I'm looking forward to a greater and much more interesting one this year.
SIM is a place where we discuss raw sex freely to help our sexual intimacy with our spouses. Indeed, I've learnt a lot in this group thereby improving my sex life. I'm still a student sha o, as I am still learning new sexual techniques. Thanks to SIM, a place that we naturally discuss raw sex, rub minds and draw our lessons in the right way.
Now I can say most of us at SIM are gurus in terms of sex. This is a sweet added value to our marriages. Thanks to SIM again and again. 

Olorunnisomo Toni Aderemi

Omolola Natural on her Sex and Marriage forum is doing justice to topics the church and society has failed to enlighten people on many of the talks are practical and marriage saving, someone once said the method you derive to solve your marital crisis is personal, and so is our sexual life.


There's no teaching in sex and marriage that has ever been a waste for I and my hotspot. My husband always looks out for more fun practical’s to spice up our sex lives. For the prayer aspect, it's heavenly. @omolola in sex and marriage therapy is a go to any day, any time


Good evening ma just quick want to let you know that ...since that night I spoke to you about me masturbating
Have stopped masturbating
Past one month now which I once find difficult to stopped... and since then some certain things have been restoring back to me both spiritually and physically...I pray the healing becomes permanent...ijn amen πŸ™

- Temitope.

Testimony time.
Blessing time.

Ever since I encouraged my madam about spicing up our sex life i.e fucking in the kitchen, on the couch, in the bathroom, backyard, quickie (not only on the matrimonial bed) through the teachings on SIM platform and she heed to the advice, it has been awesome so far. She has been the initiator lately 🀣. She's ready to knack me to stupor.
Thanks to the great sex coach Omolola Natural ❀️

Mr Akin 

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